28 June 2009

R.I.P - Micheal Jackson

Micheal Jackson (MJ) aka The King Of Pop 在25 Jun 09 就这样离开人间了。 而我是从Facebook得知这个惊人的消息, 当时正在讨论着欧洲旅行团的路程,我赶快扮演一个公关应该的角色,急忙把这个消息散播出去。 电视机,收音机,电讯网路四周围都在直播着他的死讯。

第二天,听朋友说马来西亚电台一直重播他的歌曲,Facebook 也掀起一股热潮,大家都忙着送出“网络,电子”花圈给MJ - 这当然也包括我在内。我有一样的行动并不是我敬仰他,崇拜他,喜欢他,可能只是一味的跟着大家的步伐。人有我有,他做我做的心态咯。但是我是衷心的为这个乐坛觉得惋惜,毕竟MJ 的确是一个难得的音乐才子。 只不过是我真不明白现在的人到底是抱着什么态度去惋惜这位才子,MJ在世时,大家也不见得会特别珍惜他,忽略他,甚至乎忘记他。 一直到他离开人间,电台,收音机,网络在掀起他的热潮 ,大家才发觉到他,有用吗?太迟了。。。我在想他这股热潮到底可以维持多久,还是以后那么仅仅的一年一度的纪念日。。。


安息吧!!! MJ

12 June 2009

Journey to Liverpool

This is the 15th day I'm at UK - Liverpool. A nice place to be.

Here are some pictures : - They are the people I miss the most.

Departure (30 May 09)

Sean with Me

My lovely family also my very sweet cousin - Nicole

They are the most important people in my life - My family and my beloved one who send me all the way to the airport.

Something happened before my journey. Before heading to the airport, only I realize I left back plenty of things at home, specially my most important sweater to keep me warm at here. The most important things are I even LOST MY 500pounds CASH MONEY!!! Deng!!! Nothing can be worst than that as the following days it create lots of f***ing problem that seriously damage (too serious =.=") ruined my life at Liverpool. Even at this moment!

Coming up with friends who send us off at KLIA. Mostly are previous gang from diploma until today. I shall miss them from time to time. Sya Nee, Khien, Tracy, Devonn, Jon, etc... ...

Not a complete family photo of B3 : (

My besties - Devonn & Khien

A message to myself, tears no more... After all I'm leaving for 4mnths only. Miss him, miss home...